Korporativ hüquq

Issuance of job instructions

For entrepreneurs, one of the important points in the proper progress of business development is the correct drafting of job instructions for personnel. So what is a job description?

Job instructions define the organizational-legal status, functions, rights and duties, responsibility, and qualification requirements of the employees of the enterprise. The text of the job description consists of the following parts:
I.    General provisions - here the field of the employee's activity, the rules of appointment and dismissal, the rules of replacement in the absence of the employee, the qualification requirements of the position, the subordinate of the employee (the person subordinated to him, and the persons subordinated to him), what the employee must know during the activity and a list of legal acts and regulatory documents used.
II.Functions - the directions of the employee's activities are defined here;
III.Job responsibilities - here are the responsibilities imposed on the employee, the description of the labor procedures he must perform, the form of participation in the management process (leads, performs, approves, reviews, provides, controls, prepares, presents, agrees, etc.)
IV.Rights - here the rights that the employee has within the scope of his powers during the performance of his duties are reflected.
V.    Responsibility - here the cases, types of responsibility and measures of holding the employee accountable for poor and timely performance of the duties assigned to him, and for not using the rights assigned to him are reflected.
VI.Mutual relations and service relations - here the circle of officials with whom the employee communicates and exchanges information during his activity, the terms of providing and receiving information, the rules for signing, agreeing and confirming documents are determined
Job instructions are prepared and signed by the head of the structural unit, if there are no structural units in the enterprise, then by the specialist working in this position, agreed with the lawyer of the enterprise, and approved by the head of the enterprise. The employer must acquaint the employee with the job description before signing the employment contract. The job description is given to the employee for familiarization and is signed by the employee. An employee must meet the requirements of the job manual from the moment he signs it until he is transferred to another position or fired.

The job description also helps to determine the legality of the behavior of the employer and the employee. It is for all these reasons that it is important to compile and apply job instructions in organizations. In accordance with the relevant standards, it is important to have the following details in the job instructions: the name of the organization that prepared the document, the name of the document, the date, registration number, the place where it was drawn up, the seal of approval, the title of the document, a note about the presence of an attachment, the consent visa, the seal of consent, the signature of the executor of the document. The position manual is an internal organizational-normative document, the original (first copy) of which is endorsed by the head(s) of the appropriate department(s) and a lawyer on the back of the last page. The document is approved by the order of the head of the organization or the decision of the collegial body. The confirmation icon is placed in the upper right corner of the first page. The approval stamp is placed at the end of the document. The bearer of the position signs in front of the record of familiarization with the document. The structure of a job description is usually as follows:
The main benefits of the service:
•    The conflict between duties will be completely eliminated,
•    The division of work will be effectively regulated,
•    Hierarchy division according to the staff table will be done correctly,
•    Cases such as demotivation of employees will be eliminated,
•    Employees' workloads will be clearly measured and suggestions will be made for optimization,
•    A system will be established for a fair increase in future duties and work distribution.

Service duration: 1-3 months

Expected result from the service: As a result of the fair division of work in the company, conflicts will be reduced and employees will work together towards the business goals of the enterprise.
If you want the right job description for your employees, you can trust the professional HR team of Ideovate Consulting.

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