Xarici vətəndaşlar üçün iş və yaşam icazəsi

Work and residence permit for foreign citizens

A foreigner or a stateless person who has lived permanently on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the last five years on a legal basis, has a legal source of income, undertakes to comply with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as submits a document on knowledge of the state language of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Regardless of their affiliation, gender, education, religious attitude, political and other beliefs, they can be admitted to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan by their own petition in accordance with the legislation.

The period of permanent residence of a foreigner or a stateless person in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is calculated from the day when a permit for permanent residence or refugee status was granted to him in the manner established by legislation.

At the request of a person who was previously a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan or whose citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan was terminated, he can be restored to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, taking into account the restrictions listed in the second part of Article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan".

Renunciation of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan is carried out at the request of a person in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation.

Persons living in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan apply to the State Migration Service, and persons living in foreign countries apply to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the diplomatic missions or consular offices of the Republic of Azerbaijan to restore or terminate the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Foreigners and stateless persons apply to the State Migration Service for admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

If a person intentionally falsified the information necessary for obtaining citizenship or submitted a forged document while acquiring the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he loses the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan issues a relevant order on the acceptance, restoration or termination of citizenship of a person of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Documents required for foreigners and stateless persons to acquire citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan

A person who wants to obtain the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan applies to the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan with an application-questionnaire written in the name of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the sample of which is approved by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

  • Application-questionnaire (must be filled out by computer) - must be printed in 2 copies;
  • Application in the name of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (must be written by computer) - must be printed in 2 copies;
  • Curriculum vitae (must be written by computer) – must be printed in 2 copies;
  • Photograph (3x4 size) – 4 pieces;
  • State fee payment receipt (200 manats);
  • Certificate from the Ministry of Education about knowing the state language of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • A copy of a passport or other border crossing document (except for persons who have received refugee status who do not have these documents, as well as persons whose fact of permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan has been determined by the court) (with the addition of a notarized translation);
  • A document confirming the existence of a legal source of income (one of the following documents: certificate from the workplace (indicating salary), certificate of receipt of pension, pension or targeted state social assistance, certificate of the tax authority on the income of an individual, certificate of receipt of alimony, income of a dependent person certificate, inheritance certificate, etc.) If a person does not work, he can be taken into obligation by a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan. At this time:

- Commitment application of the obligee (notarized);

- ID card of the obligee (notarized);

- A document confirming that the obligee has a legal source of income (certificate from the workplace, pension, pension, etc.);

  • In accordance with the fourth part of Article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan", a copy of the court resolution on determining the fact that a person does not belong to the citizenship of any state, as well as the fact of permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • For persons with high achievements in the fields of science, technology, culture or sports provided for in paragraph 1 of the fourth part of Article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan" - a reasoned petition of the state body inviting him to the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • Copies of ID cards of close relatives who are citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan (if any).

The following documents must be attached when a person who petitions for admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan applies together with his minor children:

  • Consent application of the other parent (notarized);
  • A copy of the other parent's passport (notarized);
  • Copy of marriage certificate;
  • Consent applications of children aged 14-18 years (notarized).

Note: In the application-questionnaire and the application, the names of the minor children of the petitioner must be mentioned, as well as 4 photos (3x4 size) must be submitted.

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